


A quick guide to Reykjavik A mystical island, where the hand of nature shapes an ever-changing, diverse and magical landscape of stark contrasts. Mountains, volcanoes, glaciers and fjords, guises, hot springs and mud pools. Will you witness the splendour of the spectacular aurora borealis? An awe-inspiring kaleidoscope of verdant hues. Perhaps you will take a […]

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Quick Guide To Copenhagen

Quick Guide To Copenhagen

A snapshot, quick guide to Copenhagen Copenhagen, capital of Denmark and a highlight of Scandinavia is a stunning city. We spent five days here before embarking upon a Baltic Cruise. It is a place we could definitely see ourselves living. It’s a city that has created a winning combination. Relaxing outdoor spaces and thought-provoking exhibitions, […]

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Quick guide to Riga, Latvia

Quick guide to Riga, Latvia

A Quick Guide To Riga Latvia, sandwiched between Lithuania and Estonia, are collectively known as The Baltics. Gaining independence from Soviet Rule in 1991, this small country of around 2 million people, is, in spite of its turbulent past, embracing the future and working hard to promote Latvian culture. Our SNAPSHOT  post is a quick […]

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Quick guide to New Orleans

Quick guide to New Orleans

Our quick guide to New Orleans New Orleans, a vibrant, gutsy city with massive amounts of kerb appeal. Within our quick guide to New Orleans, we cover all the essentials. What to see, do, eat, drink, getting about and where to stay. This lively city is located in the State of Louisiana and named after […]

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Quick guide to Mexico City

Quick guide to Mexico City

Quick Guide to Mexico City Mexico City, a spectacular metropolis of sprawling suburbs, each with its own unique and distinctive style. The people are vibrant,  life-loving and keen to welcome you to their eclectic city. Delicious aromas waft from every street corner, you will probably want to indulge in a taco or 10 and a […]

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Quick Guide To Las Vegas

Quick Guide To Las Vegas

A quick guide to Las Vegas Our quick guide to Las Vegas, U.S.A, where it’s big, bold, brash and very much alive. If you haven’t got the time, funds or energy to travel the world, you can ride a gondola through Venice, see the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty in the space of […]

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