
Top tips to create a habit

Top tips to create a habit

Top Tips To Create A Habit When I was growing up in the 1980’s my understanding of the word habit was around doing something you shouldn’t… Smoking, drug taking, swearing and probably doing too much or too little of many things was considered a bad, filthy, or dirty habit. I don’t remember any positive associations […]

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Are you being kind to yourself?

Are you being kind to yourself?

Are you being kind to yourself? Here we are speeding towards the middle of January… barely a month ago it was all very different! You may well have been looking forward to treats, surprises, lovely food and plenty of festive tipples. Perhaps cosy times on the sofa were scheduled, a Christmas movie, a PJ day […]

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What is Happiness?

What is Happiness?

What is happiness? “A table, a chair a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to make him happy?” Albert Einstein What is happiness? If you asked 1000 different people that question, would there be any common threads, a secret formula or magic recipe? Answers, I’m sure would greatly vary […]

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Introduce Wabi-Sabi Into Your Life

Introduce Wabi-Sabi Into Your Life

Wabi-Sabi, what is it? “Wabi-Sabi,” originating in Ancient China and rooted in Zen Buddhism, although has no direct translation, is to do with recognising the beauty in imperfection. It’s about appreciating nature and acknowledging that much in life is transient, ever-evolving and constantly subject to change.  Wabi-Sabi could be a battered suitcase, a well-thumbed book, […]

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Lagom, living in the middle I recently came across the Swedish concept of “Lagom” (pronounced “Lah-Gom” which is all to do with moderation. Recognising when something is “enough” be it at work or home, to do with health or the environment. Lagom encompasses the idea of enjoying a “moderate” amount of everything and ensuring there […]

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Reasons to Declutter

Reasons to Declutter

Reasons to declutter How do you feel about your living space? Content and relaxed or irritated and disgruntled? Do you walk from room to room admiring your organised, clean abode or are you aware of your bulging drawers? Can you find things quickly and easily or do you frantically search for your shoes? Are your […]

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Showing Kindness

Showing Kindness

Showing Kindness In our fast-paced 24 hour driven society our lives may feel incessantly busy. Long lists of things to do and keeping up with everyday demands can be overwhelming and exhausting. Perhaps any spare moments are filled with a quick social media fix. It’s important to remember lots of people feel the exactly the […]

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Hygge – Finding joy in the ordinary

Hygge – Finding joy in the ordinary

Hygge – Finding Joy In The Ordinary Hygge is the Danish art of creating time to relax, being cosy and spending time with friends. It’s about enjoying the outdoors, eating cake or partaking in life’s simple pleasures. Being with your loved one is prioritised, date night celebrated! Is hygge the secret to a happy life? […]

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